Living By The Spirit: The Power of Faith Over Human Effort
David Yarborough

In our journey through the book of Galatians, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in chapter three, where the Apostle Paul passionately defends the purity of the Gospel. The Galatians, Greek Gentiles who had embraced Christ, were being led astray by Judaizers who insisted that faith in Jesus was not enough—they needed to adhere to Jewish laws and customs. This addition of legalism threatened the very essence of the Gospel, and Paul saw the urgency in addressing it.

The Great Exchange

Paul’s words in Galatians 2:20-21 resonate deeply: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” This verse encapsulates the Great Exchange—Christ’s death was our death, His resurrection our resurrection, and His life now our life through the Holy Spirit. It’s a reminder that we don’t live the Christian life on our own; we exchange our brokenness for His glory and power.

Faith, Not Works

As we delve into chapter three, Paul confronts the Galatians with a poignant question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by works of the law or by believing what you heard? The answer is clear—by faith. The Galatians began their journey with Christ through faith, yet they were now trying to perfect it through their own efforts. This is a trap many of us fall into, thinking we can earn God’s favor through our actions.

The Danger of Self-Effort

In today’s world, we see a rise in secular humanism and New Age spirituality, where self-reliance and personal fulfillment are championed over surrender to God. This mindset can seep into our spiritual lives, leading us to rely on our own strength rather than the Holy Spirit. Paul warns against this, reminding us that true spiritual power comes from faith, not self-effort.

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is not a reward for good behavior but a gift received by faith. Just as a child receives birthday gifts out of love, not merit, we receive the Holy Spirit because of God’s grace. The Spirit is our helper, comforter, and guide, empowering us to live the Christian life. Without Him, we may look religious but lack true power.

Living by Faith

Paul’s message to the Galatians is a call to return to the simplicity of faith. When we feel spiritually dry or weak, the answer is not to try harder but to trust deeper. Our spiritual growth and the fruit of the Spirit in our lives come from abiding in Christ and relying on the Holy Spirit.


As we reflect on Paul’s words, let us examine our own lives. Are we relying on our own strength, or are we living in the power of the Holy Spirit? The Christian life is not about self-effort but about surrendering to the Spirit’s work in us. Let us embrace the true Gospel, living by faith and allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us from the inside out.