All In: Building God’s Kingdom – Week 7: Awe and Revival
David Yarborough


In a world where digital maps and instant directions are at our fingertips, the story of Bren Meredith offers a refreshing perspective on navigating life. Bren, a dear friend who recently passed away, was a man who cherished the old-school ways. He loved Jesus, his family, and the simple joys of life. His story reminds us of the importance of living with intention and a clear vision, rooted in faith and love.

The Importance of Vision

Just as we wouldn’t embark on a journey without knowing our destination, we shouldn’t wander through life without a sense of purpose. Whether it’s our family, career, or spiritual walk, having a vision helps us make decisions that align with our ultimate goals. Vision is about what could be and what should be, guiding us in every turn and decision.

Lessons from Nehemiah

The book of Nehemiah provides a powerful example of vision and determination. Nehemiah and the Israelites faced immense opposition as they rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem. Yet, they remained steadfast, driven by a vision from God. In just 52 days, they completed the wall, a miraculous feat that left their enemies in awe. This accomplishment was not just about physical restoration; it was about spiritual renewal and the restoration of God’s purposes for His people.

The completion of the wall was a “God thing,” a testament to what can happen when we align our lives with God’s vision. It wasn’t just about the wall itself; it was about the work God was doing in and through His people. They were called to be a light to the nations, revealing God’s glory to the world.

Hunger for God’s Word

In Nehemiah 8, we see the Israelites coming together as one, hungry for God’s Word. They longed for His presence and were drawn to Him in unity. This hunger and unity are essential for experiencing God’s power and presence in our lives. When we come together with a shared vision and a hunger for God, He moves in powerful ways.

Living with Intention

As we reflect on these stories, we’re reminded that God has a vision for each of us. He desires to use us to make His glory known in our communities and beyond. But this requires us to be all in, just as the Israelites were. It requires us to stay on the wall, to remain committed to the work God has called us to, even in the face of opposition.

Embracing God’s Vision

As we journey through life, let’s take time to reflect on the vision God has for us. Let’s seek Him with hunger and humility, allowing His Word to guide us. And as we do, may we experience the restoration and renewal that only He can bring. Remember, the joy of the Lord is our strength, and His grace and mercy are always available to restore us.

May we be a people who are all in, committed to the great work God has called us to, and may our lives be a testament to His glory and love. Let’s embrace the vision God has for us and navigate our lives with purpose and faith.